College Football Hall of Fame, Free August Admission
We hope you’ve had a wonderful summer! With football season just around the corner, and in honor of 150 years of college football, the College Football Hall of Fame announced that admission to the Hall will be FREE for the entire month of August, courtesy of Chick-fil-A and Coca-Cola. Fans will be able to gain free admission next month by scanning the Chick-fil-A App at the ticket window.
We wanted to share this exciting news with you in advance so you could take full advantage of the event. We also encourage you to share this info with your colleagues, friends and family.
The College Football Hall of Fame opened its doors in 2014 and brought to life a brand new type of college football fan experience. From the moment you walk in the door you become immersed in all
things related to college football, from the 45-yard replica field provided by Sporturf™, to the ESPN College Game Day Desk. According to Brad Olecki Chief Revenue Ocer of the College Football hall of
Fame, “We are very excited about the partnership with Sporturf™ and the opportunities that lie ahead.” Sporturf™ is thrilled about partnering with the Hall and we are looking forward to future opportunities.