Sporturf Introduces New Landscape Product Sassy Grass!
Meet our newest landscape product, Sassy Grass! Sassy Grass is an excellent landscape product that offers a thatch, which provides added body, reducing the amount of infill needed. The two-color blend of this surface provides a truly authentic look and feel that resembles a natural lawn making it an ideal landscape product, unlike many others. This product can be used for landscapes, playgrounds, pet areas, fringes, and much more. This product can be installed indoors or outdoors on concrete or a compacted aggregate base.
Sassy Grass has an entirely new grass blade style that creates a non-directional pile lay. This pile will replicate the look of natural grass better than anything else on the market.
Please follow up with your Regional Sales Manager if you have any further questions before starting your next project. They can get you samples and assist. You can also refer back to your installation guidelines for additional details.