Sporturf Dealer Byrom Davey Wins ASBA Award!

It is an honor and pleasure to announce that Sporturf dealer Byrom Davey was awarded an American Sports Builder Association (ASBA) facility of the year award during the recent (virtual) conference.  They were recognized for the Eisenhower Park project that we tufted earlier this year.

We have already had another dealer of ours reach out to congratulate us and tell us how big it is for us as a brand and dealer network to get this kind of recognition because the weight the ASBA carries in our industry.

At nearly 500 members strong, the ASBA is the largest trade organization for sports and track builders that Sporturf is associated with. We are incredibly proud and honored to have dealers as exceptional as Byrom Davey and look forward to our continued partnership.

From the ASBA Award Brochure:

City of Arcadia–Eisenhower Park
Arcadia, Calif.
Among the activities taking place at the new $6.6 million multipurpose facility in Eisenhower Park are baseball, football, soccer, basketball, cardio, weight training and more. A large building houses a concession area with kitchen, restrooms, storage and a second-story press box. There’s also a second restroom building with playground structures for kids, along with a dog park. The buildings adopted LEED standards for HVAC, exterior materials, interior ventilation and recycled items. The entire project encompasses nearly 87,000 square feet.

To learn more about Byrom Davey, Inc. please check out their website. Byrom-Davey | Southern California Construction Company (