The Science of Baseball

Synthetic turf offers many positive properties to outdoor sports activities normally played on a natural surface. It maintains the same physical attributes in all seasons throughout the calendar year. Synthetic turf can withstand more frequent use and require less maintenance than natural grass. However, with all of the positives from having a synthetic turf surface they mean very little if you have to play the field and not the game.
Sporturf has worked hard to develop sport specific turf system that allows you to play the game. This system brings the synthetic athletic surface that is most representative of a natural grass field as close as possible. If the ball reacts differently after striking the synthetic field surface than it would a natural surface misplays would likely occur. Sporturf believes the field surface should not change the game or how it’s played.
Physics of Pace
There are many forces of nature that contribute to how a ball will react after being hit by the batter. Forces such as:
• Speed of the pitch from they pitcher as well as the speed of the bat swing.
• Angle of the bat when it strikes the ball.
• Spin of the ball from the pitcher and when it leaves the bat.
• Which hemisphere of the ball that the bat impacts